
Par:Anne Edwards
Publié le 2016-02-15 par Rowman & Littlefield

Streisand: A Biography is much more than the story of the world's greatest living performer, how she got there, and why she remains at the top after three decades, it is also, in Anne Edward's sure hands, a compelling chronicle of a woman's fight to validate her appearance, her talent, and her right to love and be loved. Time and time again Streisand has demonstrated the ability to reinvent herself to keep pace with the continuing changes in musical taste. This updated edition of Edwards's pioneering biography chronicles her public life as a political activist as well as her private life as Mrs. James Brolin.

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ID de livre de Streisand's Les livres sont 8OHVCwAAQBAJ, Livre écrit parAnne Edwardsavec ETAG "nrDIftjp6jI"

Livre publié par Rowman & Littlefield depuis 2016-02-15 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781630761295 et ISBN 10 Code est 163076129X

Le mode lecture dans l’état du texte est true et le mode lecture dans l’état de l’image true

Livre qui ont "480 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieBiography and Autobiography

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