The Transhuman Project

The Transhuman Project
Par:Erin Rhew
Publié le 2019-01-15 par

When a video of Molly Richards is taken out of context and goes viral, she's thrust into the upper echelons of social media stardom and becomes an overnight success in a country where Life Channel ratings reign supreme. As Kadar's fastest rising celebrity, her life becomes a media circus, a show put on for the shallow national audience salivating for the next new thing.But in a world where image is king, danger and death hide among the shadows. In the nearby country of Pacifica, the brutal Caezar turns his citizens into robotic weapons who infiltrate Kadar as sleeper transhumans. They walk among the populace, unaware they are pawns in the madman's personal arsenal.Only Molly, her friends, and an elite group of Kadarian fighters known as the Cyber Knights fully understand the transhuman threat, and only they can break the Caezar's terrorist grip on both Pacifica and Kadar. Battling Fire Bots and humanoid agents, they seek to put a stop to the Caezar's tyranny by unraveling the secrets buried between layers of deception.And they have to do it all while smiling and waving for the cameras.As Molly and her friends peer behind the glitz and glamour, they discover something more frightening and more sinister than anything they've encounter yet...the truth.

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The Transhuman Project

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